I drive a 2017 DS3 and today whilst going over speed bumps, I had an error message flash on the radio screen to say 'Tyre pressure under-inflation detection system fault' or something, the orange SERVICE light came on, and the tyre image came on. I pulled up turned off the engine and checked all tyres they looked fine. When I started the engine again the service and tyre light on the dash had gone but the message on the radio screen showed, any one else experienced an issue like this or similar?
I drive a 2017 DS3 and today whilst going over speed bumps, I had an error message flash on the radio screen to say 'Tyre pressure under-inflation detection system fault' or something, the orange SERVICE light came on, and the tyre image came on. I pulled up turned off the engine and checked all tyres they looked fine. When I started the engine again the service and tyre light on the dash had gone but the message on the radio screen showed, any one else experienced an issue like this or similar?