After looking at some of the threads here I've been trying to wire my dashcam into a switched (ignition) 12v line with a fuse tap. I tried F9 (12v Socket) and F8 (Audio System) as I had seen suggested but both seem to be permanent live. I have a 2014 DS3 Cabrio.
Do I need to wait till the car decides to kick in Eco Mode? Or is there somewhere else that I can take 12V from that is actually switched with the ignition.
Any tips are greatly appreciated as I haven't had the car long.
After looking at some of the threads here I've been trying to wire my dashcam into a switched (ignition) 12v line with a fuse tap. I tried F9 (12v Socket) and F8 (Audio System) as I had seen suggested but both seem to be permanent live. I have a 2014 DS3 Cabrio.
Do I need to wait till the car decides to kick in Eco Mode? Or is there somewhere else that I can take 12V from that is actually switched with the ignition.
Any tips are greatly appreciated as I haven't had the car long.