Giving it a bit of a quick clean yesterday, and noticed on the white wing mirrors, a load of tiny orange dots! Alarm bells and sirens rung, and my first thought was corroding particles as they didn't move with the RDS and power washer - or even a fingernail. So, I broke out my unused BH Clay, tore off a tiny piece, and with a water spray in hand for lube, set to work. I was amazed at how quickly the clay just pulls up the particles, leaving me with pristine, and unbelievably smooth paint!!
Thankfully the roof seems unaffected in the main, so I'm thinking the mirrors were contaminated on the motorway at speed. However, it looks like I might have to get some fallout removal stuff. I know Korrosol is the goto product for this at the moment - but its so expensive, and I've got my eyes on some Wheel Woolies first... Are there cheaper alternatives?
Thankfully the roof seems unaffected in the main, so I'm thinking the mirrors were contaminated on the motorway at speed. However, it looks like I might have to get some fallout removal stuff. I know Korrosol is the goto product for this at the moment - but its so expensive, and I've got my eyes on some Wheel Woolies first... Are there cheaper alternatives?