What's #TeamRandC all about?
The Team Rhubarb & Custard concept was born out of love for the car care industry and a desire to make a difference.
So we're doing is asking exisitng brands to customise one of their products to fit the Team Rhubarb & Custard concept. We didn't feel the need to start a whole new brand, we'd rather work with the best thats already out there! Fortunately there's stacks of fantastic brands in the UK, and its great to be working with them!
The other element of the project is all about charity! At least 10% of the sale price of every product will go to Cancer Research UK. This cancer thing is frustating, hurts too many people and their families. It can be stopped, but it takes money to do that and hopefully we can help!
We wanted to make the whole charity aspect of this to bee 100% transparent, so please read the charity page so your 100% confident in how it works!
TeamRandC and Charity
It is important to get the charity aspect of this project right. 100% transparency and confidence in the process is everything.
First up, we contacted Cancer Research UK to tell them what we are doing. We have their full support and we have our own contact there if we need any advice.
All donations will be made by us after your purchase through our Just Giving page. Cancer Research UK suggested this method as it allows anyone to see the donations and its also inexpensive for them.
Donations from each sale will be made individually with your initials next to it, so you know a donation from your order has been made. This will happen within 3 days of your order. So make sure you check it out!
Products - Here
Website - Here
Just Giving - Here