So I've only had the car a week and I've realised the state of the paintwork for a year old car is shocking, covered in light swirl marks with some stone chips on the bottom of the front bumper.
So I've gone all out and killed the overdraft to get the car looking good before Sunday.
I had a great little parcel delivered from Andy at
Lots of new products I've never used before so it will be a good test of my skills. I must say the quality of the packaging and service from CYR was outstanding. I didn't complete the order until 4pm and it was delivered the following day extremely well packaged.
Ive also ordered a few more bits that i will need, but will update later once they arrive...
So I've gone all out and killed the overdraft to get the car looking good before Sunday.
I had a great little parcel delivered from Andy at
Lots of new products I've never used before so it will be a good test of my skills. I must say the quality of the packaging and service from CYR was outstanding. I didn't complete the order until 4pm and it was delivered the following day extremely well packaged.
Ive also ordered a few more bits that i will need, but will update later once they arrive...