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Fading black roof... How to restore?

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  • Fading black roof... How to restore?

    Hi all,

    The black roof on my ds has been fading for a while and is now a fair way from being a shiny dark black!

    I've tried using autoglym SRP, scrubbing it hard for probably close to an hour (for the whole roof) - it appeared to make a difference at the time but a day later when it's dried the grey colour is back.

    Also tried t cut (no specific colour) but that doesn't appear to make a difference either.

    Is there anything else I can try myself or am I better off getting a detailer to take a look at it?

    Thanks for any help

  • #2
    How bad is the fade on the paint? If it hasn't had any protection including waxes and sealants the fade may be able to be restored using a professional cut and polish. Mine wasn't too bad and looked great once I polished it but with it being black, I keep on top of it.

    Hope this helps


    • #3
      I use quite a lot of product (sealants/waxes) to try and stop this happening, can I ask how old your DS3 is ?


      • #4
        Have a look at using AM Details AIO Glaze. You will be amazed what this stuff can do.
        Andy DS3 Club's Resident OCD Detailer!
        Take a pride in your ride


        • #5
          Thanks for the replies...

          I wouldn't say it's THAT bad, I'll take a photo tomorrow if it's not raining to give you an idea of how it looks.

          It's early 2011 - so just over 5 years old now

          I'll give AIO glaze a go and report back

