Hey guys. I've run out of the gardx wash and wax plus the conserver. I want to wash the car but can't get hold of the gardx stuff for a week. If I use another brand of cleaning products, will it wash away the layer of gardx that's on the car? And if so does it matter? I keep hearing good things about meguiers cleaning products so may move to that stuff.
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Cleaning products
the gardx they give you when you have it done it meant to last 6 months and is only used once a month. in between use normal car wash. You should have been give an address for replacement shampoo and conserver.By the sounds of it you have been doing the gardx treatment too often and have wasted it .You can use any wash in between but it you fail to treat every month your guarentee is void.and as you must have paid about £500 to start with you should get replacement wash and conserver before you void the garentee.
Hey alcaz1wolf. Thanks for reply. I didnt pay for the Gardx. i got it free when i purchased the car. I phoned Gardx to get replacement bottles but they said they wont have any for around a week. The reason it's all wasted is because ive used the stuff as the main way to wash the car over the 3 months ive had it. Starting to think the stuff aint worth it.
I tend to use the supplied wash and preserver once a month along with the after wash shining stuff I usually use, the preserver is quite nice but as for the shampoo stuff, wouldn't really class that as brilliant, but it does the job.
I would stick to using it monthly if you're interested in the warranty and in between, just use your normal cleaning products, works for me!