I spent a bit today on stuff to clean my 1 week old DS3 and I bought the Autoglym shampoo and Super resin polish. I know the shampoo is good and needed but have I been a premature buying the polish as I have been googling and read that polish is abrasive and really only needed when the paint work is dull etc. Should I be putting it on my new car so early or should I buy a wax instead. I don't want to get into heavy detailing or anything, just a nice shiny clean car that is protected etc..
How often should polish like the one I have bought be used? Any info on what I have bought and when to best use it is gratefully received! I've been a bit rash on my buying I think as I swung into halfords on the way home from work as I plan on cleaning it for the first time in the morning!
Thanks all
How often should polish like the one I have bought be used? Any info on what I have bought and when to best use it is gratefully received! I've been a bit rash on my buying I think as I swung into halfords on the way home from work as I plan on cleaning it for the first time in the morning!
Thanks all