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Full detail clean inc High Definition Wax, Super Shiney

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  • Full detail clean inc High Definition Wax, Super Shiney

    Had my car professionally valeted yesterday as a sort of pay day treat and she looks like new, what you guys think.

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  • #2
    Looks fabulous- I had 2 Sport red DS3s (Altho only 1 had those great red seats) before I moved onto Shark Grey

    IMO- Red is the best Colour :-)

    How much was the detail?
    Jog on Noddy


    • #3
      Looks awesome 7 !! I love those seats and all the red piping on your mats and the red calipers too. Spot on!!!
      DS3 DSport eHDi 145 - Stage 1 with K&N - Shark Grey & Infinite Blue​​​​​​


      • #4
        Thanks guys,

        Red is my favorite colour too and the seats were one of the things that made me choose that car

        And yes thanks the mats were custom order and got calipurs done last year.

        The valet should of been £60 but i signed up to there loyalty scheme so i got £10 off. it took them just under 2hrs and the guys had a real attention to detail. I've never waxed a car before but the paintwork is like a mirror now so defiantly do it again. also all the water etc just beads and flies off .


        • #5
          i just love the roof and side shots, the roof is like a reflection on water and if you zoom in on the side pics you get a great reflection of the white line and the car parked next to it.


          • #6
            Looks pretty damn good, your DS3 ever seen any paint correction? Think that would really be the next step to take it to the next level!


            • #7
              Not yet, its my long term plan to get it done to remove light swirl marks etc but its quite costly so i need to save up before i get it done.


              • #8
                £50 doesn't sound too bad tbh. Toss of a coin I do that, or spend a whole day and maybe not get as good results
                Jog on Noddy


                • #9
                  yeah £50 is really good. i got 2 quotes for £80 from mobile valeters.


                  • #10
                    I enjoy spending a nice sunny afternoon fully detailing my own, but that defo does look good.
                    DS3 DSport eHDi 145 - Stage 1 with K&N - Shark Grey & Infinite Blue​​​​​​


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Funky View Post
                      I enjoy spending a nice sunny afternoon fully detailing my own, but that defo does look good.
                      Me too, got stack loads of products, some unopened. I only ever seem to win products at car raffles

                      Have always fancied seeing if the experts do a better job- and its getting more back breaking the older I get ;-)
                      Jog on Noddy


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Funky View Post
                        I enjoy spending a nice sunny afternoon fully detailing my own, but that defo does look good.
                        i enjoy it too but would take me about 6hrs and prob not b as good as i dont have any wax (HD wax is £50 itself!)


                        • #13
                          Yeah it takes me 3-4 hours to do a proper detailing including wax and paint protection and enhancement. Only do it 2 or 3 times a year max.
                          DS3 DSport eHDi 145 - Stage 1 with K&N - Shark Grey & Infinite Blue​​​​​​


                          • #14
                            the link is if anyone is interested they really good and offer a wide range of services


                            • #15
                              Your beautiful car is looking more stunning and appealing after all that wash and cleaning. Can you tell me which essay writers service and car cleaning service you have done for getting done this job since I also want to hire it?

