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Autoglym HD wax

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  • Autoglym HD wax

    Just picked up some wax today looking forward to the weekend going to give the car a good clean.

    does anybody have any tip or tricks on what is best and what NOT to do when using the HD wax

    many thanks

  • #2
    Best advice I can offer is for better results clay bar the car first after washing and try not to wax in direct sunlight.

    CliveP is the man to chat to about car care as he is a bit of an expert on the matter!
    ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
    Bigfeet's File Repository
    The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


    • #3
      I use the HD Wax on mine, lovely stuff. Lasts for ages and gets a great shine.

      After a wash, polish first with a polish of choice (I use Autoglym Super Resin Polish), apply wax and leave for around 20-30 minutes, then buff off.

      In my experience, claying is unnecesary with new paint and is more older cars that have picked up contaminants, which the claying then removes.

      In short, wash, dry, polish, wax. Havn't had any issues using it in the sun either, did it just last weekend and it looks amazing!


      • #4
        Many thanks for the advice on this, i was hoping to clean the motor tomorrow but i may have to put t off untill next weekend


        • #5
          Good advice above in my opinion!

          OK even on new a clay can help - a car can pick up a lot of contaminents during transit.

          Advice on the HD wax - very very thin layers - more is less literally - one tub 60 plus cars....think of a wax as a sky scraper you're applying then buffing it to the ground floor - anything above the ground floor thickness is a waste of wax and can make it hard to remove.

          Sorry can't resist a link - not HD wax finish but might take your interest:

          CL11 VEP 2011 Former DSport Plus 150THP Sport Red, now something else.......
          DS3 Club's Former Resident OCD Detailer!


          • #6
            Thanks Clive, just been reading and looking at you photos on the above link, going by you number plate are you from Bristol


            • #7
              I'm from the midlands - I bought that plate as it was as close as I could get to Clive P! Waited ten years for it! Not ever selling it despite a ten fold offer!

              CL11 VEP 2011 Former DSport Plus 150THP Sport Red, now something else.......
              DS3 Club's Former Resident OCD Detailer!


              • #8
                Cool just it said Bristol street motors, looking for fellow members close by there not many around me, i must smell realy bad LOL.

                just one more very quick question if i go ahead and get myself a bottle of Autobrite Very Cherry Non-acid wheel cleaner would you recomend applying something onto the wheel after cleaning with Autobrite Very Cherry, sorry to be a pain in the a**s


                • #9

                  No problem - ask away.

                  Bristol Street are pretty much nationwide I think....

                  OK if you clean your car regularly you can just use Very Cherry...if you don't then a wheel sealant is a good idea, but not essential.

                  But there's no harm in getting a wheel sealant (if you look on the Autobrite website you can find some there, or ask Mark or one of his team if you call them next week to place an order).

                  Hope that helps!
                  CL11 VEP 2011 Former DSport Plus 150THP Sport Red, now something else.......
                  DS3 Club's Former Resident OCD Detailer!


                  • #10
                    Blimey- that HD Autoglym wax not that cheap is it?

                    Is it a lquid wax- if not is hard to apply?

                    Jog on Noddy


                    • #11
                      Well the expense is a relative statement - I've got waxes costing a lot more but you can only see the difference if you prep the car correctly.....

                      I think HD wax is quite well priced especially when Halfords have their offers on - I don't keep it in my collection but it is a good wax. Compared to over £200 a month council tax I think all my waxes are great value! My benchmark is the equivalent of the price of two tanks of a petrol is a worthwhile investment for a tub of wax....

                      Yes it's a hard wax, which is by far the best type of wax in my opinion - you apply it to a perfectly clean car with a soft foam pad, I think AG supply it with one - you want to apply it very, very thinly - out of a tub I'd exepct to be able to do 40-60 cars to give you an idea of how thin it should be. Then buff off with a luxury soft microfibre. If you've done your prep properly it will be more than worth it.

                      CL11 VEP 2011 Former DSport Plus 150THP Sport Red, now something else.......
                      DS3 Club's Former Resident OCD Detailer!


                      • #12
                        Cheers Clive- £35 for a wax is quite a lot for me- will let u know how i get on with it- might wait to buy it at the National tho

                        Not used to £200 council tax me..... where u live Buck House up North? .....thinkin bout it I pay £135 a month for a little house down here

                        Kay sera

                        Jog on Noddy


                        • #13
                          I got my AG HD wax off well known web selling site that sounds like a river :rolleyes: for £29.99 incl P&P, there are people selling it cheaper on that well known river

                          Hope this helps


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by forest-sion View Post
                            i got my ag hd wax off well known web selling site that sounds like a river :rolleyes: For £29.99 incl p&p, there are people selling it cheaper on that well known river

                            hope this helps
                            Jog on Noddy

