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Dodgy Punto dash?

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  • Dodgy Punto dash?

    Anyone got any idea's?

    Supposed to be picking my sons first car up over the weekend.........although he hasn't really seen it, (Army, on duty in London)
    Anyway, its his first car as mentioned......A Fiat punto Grande. The interior dash. door linings etc have been polished with wot looks like a silicon polish......does the job, but makes them look like, cheap plastic........which being as its Fiat, it probably is?

    Is there anything that can be done to make them look more interesting & less cheap & plastic???? Not sure wot? but, it needs to be cost effective, so no rip out and replace.

    Looking for other mods to do as well...........

    Anyone have any links to "how to install a sub woofer" He tells me, he needs this more than anything. Apparantly :rolleyes:

  • #2
    Sorry to say it, but that is how they are! I came from a grande punto. It was really great timing as well since things started going wrong with it.

    The plastics are as hard and as shiny as they come. You could try wrapping it maybe? There have even been a couple of people that have flocked it. Results looked alright, lol!

    Shame, cause I always thought it was a great looking car, in fact still do.


    • #3
      Sandpaper lol? Roughen it up and sooth it back down with some wet and dry for a mat effect? Tongue and cheek response btw. May work, but may also make a mess of it

      Black on Black eHDI 110 Dsport+ :cool:


      • #4
        I would just buy him a nice pillow for his digs in London for the Olympics- proper hovels they have them in ;-)
        Black on Black DSports+ THP 155 16v Custom Remap to 193BHP; 230lb/ft


        • #5
          Originally posted by chiefnerd View Post
          I would just buy him a nice pillow for his digs in London for the Olympics- proper hovels they have them in ;-)
          He and his mates are loving being in transport all over London, Free food, time off and the nightlife. Dodgy in places, but we all live near an area like that.


          • #6
            my C2 came back from an accident repair with the dash all shiny with some sort of 'orrible dressing

            A cloth with some warm water and detergent soon removed it!
            Bog standard 2010 DSport THP150, 1973 Clan Crusader, 2003 Harley Davidson Softail, 2007 Vespa 250GTS, 2011 Peugeot Boxer campervan ,a few push bikes, and one eMTB

