So, I've been hunting round for the next things I want to do to my DS3. I've been looking At having it it
Detailed and I've found a place in Barnsley that would do inside and out for £165. Including a machine
polish, that I want, so I get all the paint swirls out of the black paint.
Anyway, been looking online and I can buy all the equipment I need, clay bar, spray detailer, machine polisher, polish, microfiber towels for about £100,
So I'm considering doing it myself, but then how often would you machine polish your own car? Is it worth it or should I just get it done by the professionals ? what do you think ?
Detailed and I've found a place in Barnsley that would do inside and out for £165. Including a machine
polish, that I want, so I get all the paint swirls out of the black paint.
Anyway, been looking online and I can buy all the equipment I need, clay bar, spray detailer, machine polisher, polish, microfiber towels for about £100,
So I'm considering doing it myself, but then how often would you machine polish your own car? Is it worth it or should I just get it done by the professionals ? what do you think ?