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Iron fall out remover - Autobrite Purple rain

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  • Iron fall out remover - Autobrite Purple rain

    I bought some of this the other week, in an attempt to aid claying by removing some of those horrible 'specs' of rust from the surface of the car.

    It certainly does the job thats for sure, these pictures are after cleaning has taken place - pre-wash, rinse, 2 bucket wash, rinse etc - I'm happy with the results of the product itself, my only gripe would be that the trigger that is included is a bit naff - it's a direct nozzle so covering panels seems to use a lot of product, would be a good idea to buy a foaming chemical resistant trigger.

    Anyhow, some pics below!

  • #2
    I use this aswell... Quality product


    • #3
      I used this the other week,works really well,I couldn't believe how much crap was on a one year old car.
      Agree about the trigger,I used a full bottle om my DS4,at least you don't need to do it every week!


      • #4

        Great stuff - now you're using products I train people in as I'm great friends with Mark (owner of Autobrite).

        Amazing what you can pull off a car - the interesting thing Chud is you can get a brand new car with loads of muck on it, then I've PR a several year old car and nothing was on it of significance. I think a lot of the iron, etc can be deposited when cars are transported on railways, that's one of my theories anyway!

        I think the product is too 'vicious' (think that's the term! i.e. thick) for a foaming spray head. I know what you mean on the triggers sometimes....

        Catch you soon
        CL11 VEP 2011 Former DSport Plus 150THP Sport Red, now something else.......
        DS3 Club's Former Resident OCD Detailer!


        • #5
          What about applying it using a manual pump bottle? one that has like a hand held spray applicator that you would walk around and 'mist' the car with...

          I used half a bottle trying to cover my DS3 and 4 alloys on the Saab! I think I might dilute it with some water next time round.


          • #6
            Possibly Chris, that might help. I think I have a different trigger on my bottle. It won't cover too much and it's not designed to be used regularly (good job it costs a small fortune!) as it's an occasional use it's ok the coverage isn't massive. For regular wheel cleaning there's products that last and last......

            Catch you soon,
            CL11 VEP 2011 Former DSport Plus 150THP Sport Red, now something else.......
            DS3 Club's Former Resident OCD Detailer!


            • #7
              Originally posted by CliveP View Post
              I think the product is too 'vicious'
              '10 DSport in Black/Carmen Red 'Daisy' - Traded back in
              '61 DSport+ in White/Black 'Poppy'
              'We do what we must, because we can.'
              Entropy... It's not what it used to be...


              • #8
                Thank You - I think it's both Viscous and Vicious too!

                CL11 VEP 2011 Former DSport Plus 150THP Sport Red, now something else.......
                DS3 Club's Former Resident OCD Detailer!


                • #9
                  Due to the 'vicious/caustic' nature of purple rain it's been supplied with the chemical resistant trigger; I've emailed Mark @ AB to see if one of the hand-held pump applicators, could be used instead ( I think that would give a nice even coating of Purple rain on body panels.

                  viscoity refers to the resistance of the fluid, I think it would work fine to be honest but it may eat the trigger after a while - When I was using it I found it's very irritable, so having it in fine 'mist' so to speak could be dangerous - I got a bit in my eye and it stung like hell probably the reason it comes with a single stream/non-mist trigger


                  • #10

                    Understand you contacted Mark today....

                    Catch you very soon!

                    CL11 VEP 2011 Former DSport Plus 150THP Sport Red, now something else.......
                    DS3 Club's Former Resident OCD Detailer!


                    • #11
                      Yeah I spoke with him today - I've arranged to go to autobrite first thing saturday; I'll pick up another litre of purple rain and an IK hand pump. No harm in having more PR as the other two cars are getting on, and never had the best of washes!

                      Also fixed my foam lance, bloody nozzle/filter was blocked I'm going to bring it with me, could do with some tips on the perfect settings - the foam I get ATM seems to be quite 'watery' and never really sticks long enough.

                      Give me a shout tomorrow to let me know etc - hopefully weather stays good! Will we need a marquee if it too sunny to do polishing etc?


                      • #12
                        Hi Chris, Sorry only just saw your have text you in case you don't read before tomorrow!

                        CL11 VEP 2011 Former DSport Plus 150THP Sport Red, now something else.......
                        DS3 Club's Former Resident OCD Detailer!

