Having decided to buy a reasonably new car, I've taken the decision that I really need to keep it in good condition, I've always used Autoglym products in the past and am comfortable with them, so will probably stick to one brand.
I've brought their Body Work Shampoo & Conditioner, Clean Wheels and Tyre Dressing. Also brought a microfibre wash mitt & brush and a detailing towel.
Gave it a good going over this week end with the 2BM and it's come up a treat, I still need to get some Super resin polish, but all my research into what else I need has just raised more questions.
1. I've seen threads where people talk about 'detoxing' their cars - will the above shampoo do this or do I need a different product?
2. If I but the SRP, what other body work waxes, polishes etc do I also need? Do I need Ultra Deep Shine Polish? Do I also need the High Def. Car Wax?? What is Radiant Wax Polish???
3. Can Quick Detailer be used to clean the car between washes? i.e. On a 'Dry' car? - Kind of spray on, wipe off??
4. When using the polishes & waxes, are applicator pads the way to go? and then mircofibre cloths to 'remove'??
5. Where does Snow foam come into this? Which of their products is this?? (If any).
Anything I missed?
I've brought their Body Work Shampoo & Conditioner, Clean Wheels and Tyre Dressing. Also brought a microfibre wash mitt & brush and a detailing towel.
Gave it a good going over this week end with the 2BM and it's come up a treat, I still need to get some Super resin polish, but all my research into what else I need has just raised more questions.
1. I've seen threads where people talk about 'detoxing' their cars - will the above shampoo do this or do I need a different product?
2. If I but the SRP, what other body work waxes, polishes etc do I also need? Do I need Ultra Deep Shine Polish? Do I also need the High Def. Car Wax?? What is Radiant Wax Polish???
3. Can Quick Detailer be used to clean the car between washes? i.e. On a 'Dry' car? - Kind of spray on, wipe off??
4. When using the polishes & waxes, are applicator pads the way to go? and then mircofibre cloths to 'remove'??
5. Where does Snow foam come into this? Which of their products is this?? (If any).
Anything I missed?