Been after producing the results of something like this for a while now so I thought I would let you see the differences (or maybe not) in 4 different and differently priced wheel cleaners.
The test involved 4 wheel cleaners that are currently in my collection; obviously more are available that can be purchased before you all say "what about this one , what about that one?":
Astonish Wheel Cleaner - 99p 750ml
Auto Finesse Imperial Wheel Cleaner - £24.95 5L diluted 1:1 to equal £2.49 1L
CarPlan Wonder Wheels Hot Wheels - £4.00 500ml
ValetPro Bilberry Wheel Cleaner - £24.95 5L diluted 1:1 to equal £2.49 1L
The HotWheels and the Astonish however are more readily available on the high street than the other two which do need to be purchased from a specialist detailers supply shop or online.

Wheels looked like this on Friday after being cleaned with AF Imperial, decontaminated with IronX and then sealed with PPWSAS:

Didn't look like that anymore after this weekend so first up is the Astonish that hadn't been used since my Mrs bought me for 99p; she thought any wheel cleaner is like any other wheel cleaner.
Using the Astonish on the front offside alloy (intentionally using the lesser makes on the front wheels):

Very watery and not clingy at all:

Brushes didn't seem to generate much foam but did bring up the dirt:

A rinse with a jet wash revealed this finish:

Using the Auto Finesse Imperial on the rear offside alloy:

Diluted 1:1 with distilled water using a foaming spray head:

Very foamy, obviously the spray head doing its job:

Dirt starting to shift:

Definitely shifting it now with the least effort:

A rinse with a jetwash revealed this finish:

Using the CarPlan Wonder Wheels Hot Wheels on the front nearside alloy:

Nice and foamy:

Nice and clingy:

A rinse with a jetwash revealed this finish:

Using the ValetPro Bilberry diluted 1:1 on the rear nearside alloy:

Quite foamy, great smell:

After agitating with brushes:

A rinse with a jetwash revealed this finish:

In my opinion, the Imperial shifted the most dirt/brakedust with the least effort, maybe due to the foaming sprayhead.
The HotWheels is the worst smelling, is the clingiest and also has the added advantage of being a contaminate remover (none to shift today though as alloys were IronX'ed on Friday)
The Bilberry is the best smelling and was quite foamy from a standard spray head
The Astonish was the most watery and required the most effort with a brush hence why it is the cheapest.
Per litre the costs were as follows:
Astonish £1.32
Auto Finesse Imperial diluted 1:1 £2.49
Valet Pro Bilberry diluted 1:1 £2.49
CarPlan Wonder Wheels Hotwheels £8.00
My order of products taking into account price, ease of use and finish and it's a win for the
Auto Finesse Imperial
1st Auto Finesse Imperial Wheel Cleaner
Joint 2nd CarPlan Wonder Wheels Hot Wheels & ValetPro Bilberry
4th Astonish Wheel Cleaner
Hope this has been slightly informative for at least one other person?
The test involved 4 wheel cleaners that are currently in my collection; obviously more are available that can be purchased before you all say "what about this one , what about that one?":
Astonish Wheel Cleaner - 99p 750ml
Auto Finesse Imperial Wheel Cleaner - £24.95 5L diluted 1:1 to equal £2.49 1L
CarPlan Wonder Wheels Hot Wheels - £4.00 500ml
ValetPro Bilberry Wheel Cleaner - £24.95 5L diluted 1:1 to equal £2.49 1L
The HotWheels and the Astonish however are more readily available on the high street than the other two which do need to be purchased from a specialist detailers supply shop or online.

Wheels looked like this on Friday after being cleaned with AF Imperial, decontaminated with IronX and then sealed with PPWSAS:

Didn't look like that anymore after this weekend so first up is the Astonish that hadn't been used since my Mrs bought me for 99p; she thought any wheel cleaner is like any other wheel cleaner.
Using the Astonish on the front offside alloy (intentionally using the lesser makes on the front wheels):

Very watery and not clingy at all:

Brushes didn't seem to generate much foam but did bring up the dirt:

A rinse with a jet wash revealed this finish:

Using the Auto Finesse Imperial on the rear offside alloy:

Diluted 1:1 with distilled water using a foaming spray head:

Very foamy, obviously the spray head doing its job:

Dirt starting to shift:

Definitely shifting it now with the least effort:

A rinse with a jetwash revealed this finish:

Using the CarPlan Wonder Wheels Hot Wheels on the front nearside alloy:

Nice and foamy:

Nice and clingy:

A rinse with a jetwash revealed this finish:

Using the ValetPro Bilberry diluted 1:1 on the rear nearside alloy:

Quite foamy, great smell:

After agitating with brushes:

A rinse with a jetwash revealed this finish:

In my opinion, the Imperial shifted the most dirt/brakedust with the least effort, maybe due to the foaming sprayhead.
The HotWheels is the worst smelling, is the clingiest and also has the added advantage of being a contaminate remover (none to shift today though as alloys were IronX'ed on Friday)
The Bilberry is the best smelling and was quite foamy from a standard spray head
The Astonish was the most watery and required the most effort with a brush hence why it is the cheapest.
Per litre the costs were as follows:
Astonish £1.32
Auto Finesse Imperial diluted 1:1 £2.49
Valet Pro Bilberry diluted 1:1 £2.49
CarPlan Wonder Wheels Hotwheels £8.00
My order of products taking into account price, ease of use and finish and it's a win for the
Auto Finesse Imperial
1st Auto Finesse Imperial Wheel Cleaner
Joint 2nd CarPlan Wonder Wheels Hot Wheels & ValetPro Bilberry
4th Astonish Wheel Cleaner
Hope this has been slightly informative for at least one other person?