Brother just bought this beauty and wanted a quick tidying up of it.

Surfex HD pre rinse, rinsed off then AF Avalanched.

Alloys needed a good decontaminating

so Waxtec Falloff was used followed by AF Oblitarate

Paintwork then Iron X'ed. This is from drivers front door

Rinsed then 2BM wash with BTBM shampoo.
Dried with Wooly Mammoth and Demon Shine drying aid.
No polish or LSP added today as it started to hail and pour down.
End result on exterior

Interior befores

And afters using Nilfisk 20T

Sent from my Experia Z tablet using Tapatalk

Surfex HD pre rinse, rinsed off then AF Avalanched.

Alloys needed a good decontaminating

so Waxtec Falloff was used followed by AF Oblitarate

Paintwork then Iron X'ed. This is from drivers front door

Rinsed then 2BM wash with BTBM shampoo.
Dried with Wooly Mammoth and Demon Shine drying aid.
No polish or LSP added today as it started to hail and pour down.
End result on exterior

Interior befores

And afters using Nilfisk 20T

Sent from my Experia Z tablet using Tapatalk