Today I set out to give my car matts a good clean with my new (recommended by Andy RabidRacoon28) Nilfisk multi 20 wet & dry vacuum cleaner,
Autobrite FAB carpet cleaner, hard brush & soft brush
The matts as you can see are quite dirty and in need of a good clean
The picture below was taken after a quick brush with the hard brush and a dry vacuum
Below is after FAB was applied agitated with the soft brush
And then vacuumed dried with the Nilfisk
As you can see the from the next photo the amount of crud that was pulled from the matts
And the final result
Not bad for a job that was less than 30 minuets :star:
Forest sion
Autobrite FAB carpet cleaner, hard brush & soft brush
The matts as you can see are quite dirty and in need of a good clean
The picture below was taken after a quick brush with the hard brush and a dry vacuum
Below is after FAB was applied agitated with the soft brush
And then vacuumed dried with the Nilfisk
As you can see the from the next photo the amount of crud that was pulled from the matts
And the final result
Not bad for a job that was less than 30 minuets :star:
Forest sion