So I've got a new job which means the DS3 has to go back.
I have loved my time in the car and would recommend it to anyone. Unfortunately with an addition to the family i wont be getting another one. .
The new job is a lot closer to home and over the last 18 months i have done my part for the environment so i decided to treat myself and get a brand new Focus ST.
This forum has a good bunch of guys and although i haven't posted a lot i have frequented the forum looking for advice. So keep up the good work.
I have loved my time in the car and would recommend it to anyone. Unfortunately with an addition to the family i wont be getting another one. .
The new job is a lot closer to home and over the last 18 months i have done my part for the environment so i decided to treat myself and get a brand new Focus ST.
This forum has a good bunch of guys and although i haven't posted a lot i have frequented the forum looking for advice. So keep up the good work.