Having ordered a DS3 last July, it's finally here! I was on my 5th Peugeot for my driving school car (two 307cc's and three 308cc's) but as they don't make them any more I had to change. I now have a DS3 Cabrio DStyle Diesel with a white dash and the Auto pack (lights, wipers, climate, active city stop). I wasn't sure about the Ashera wheels so I've bought a set myself which will no doubt get kerbed, so when the lease runs out I can put the original wheels back on and not get charged a penalty.
It feels very similar to drive as the Peugeot as I'd hoped, with so many common parts. I miss having a full convertible, but the DS3 is a good compromise - fairly open, but the ability to use the roof at any legal speed which is great, and although a small opening, the boot isn't bad, and bigger things can be put in via the folding back seats. I'm glad I chose the white dash, wasn't sure until it arrived, but it gives the interior a lift. Compared to the 308cc is feels much more responsive, nimble and cheeky! It's only got the standard halogen headlights, but the spead Of light is much better than I'm used to, really even. The only thing I miss is the standard SatNav in the Peugeot, still can't believe Citroen (or should I say DS Automobiles now?!) wants £1050 for it. The stereo sounds a little more muffled as well, even after changing the sound settings.
All in all, I'm really happy with my choice, and thank you to all on here who have given me bits of advice over the last few months!
It feels very similar to drive as the Peugeot as I'd hoped, with so many common parts. I miss having a full convertible, but the DS3 is a good compromise - fairly open, but the ability to use the roof at any legal speed which is great, and although a small opening, the boot isn't bad, and bigger things can be put in via the folding back seats. I'm glad I chose the white dash, wasn't sure until it arrived, but it gives the interior a lift. Compared to the 308cc is feels much more responsive, nimble and cheeky! It's only got the standard halogen headlights, but the spead Of light is much better than I'm used to, really even. The only thing I miss is the standard SatNav in the Peugeot, still can't believe Citroen (or should I say DS Automobiles now?!) wants £1050 for it. The stereo sounds a little more muffled as well, even after changing the sound settings.
All in all, I'm really happy with my choice, and thank you to all on here who have given me bits of advice over the last few months!