I'm considering buying a DS as after two years of looking I've found a car that I can get into and out of , from my wheelchair.....unlike most new cars it has grab handles ( well at least it does on LHS so am checking possible to fit also on RHS ...I have seen this configuration on comtinental LHD drive version so am assuming RHS fitting is lurking under the headlining of the car I tried yesterday) and again unlike most new cars there isn't a Grand Canyon like gap to swing over from wheelchair to car. So, while I'm waiting on an answer from the dealer on the grabhandle question I have been playing with the online configurator thingy but can't work out if all the seats are the same style / shape no matter what they are covered in...for me I need seats that are as flat as possible but would like to get the grey leather option ( dog hairs) but can't work out if they are more sporty / bucket shaped than the black fabric ones.....can anyone advise
I'm considering buying a DS as after two years of looking I've found a car that I can get into and out of , from my wheelchair.....unlike most new cars it has grab handles ( well at least it does on LHS so am checking possible to fit also on RHS ...I have seen this configuration on comtinental LHD drive version so am assuming RHS fitting is lurking under the headlining of the car I tried yesterday) and again unlike most new cars there isn't a Grand Canyon like gap to swing over from wheelchair to car. So, while I'm waiting on an answer from the dealer on the grabhandle question I have been playing with the online configurator thingy but can't work out if all the seats are the same style / shape no matter what they are covered in...for me I need seats that are as flat as possible but would like to get the grey leather option ( dog hairs) but can't work out if they are more sporty / bucket shaped than the black fabric ones.....can anyone advise