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  • Argh

    Caught out by a classic

    I was turning right out of a road. Lady signalling to turn left - I assumed into the road I was turning out of. I pulled out, and she carried on right into the side of me :mad:

    No-one injured, just very frustrating. On the plus side this was witnessed by some kind members of the public who will provide a statement saying she was indicating left. On the minus side, I suspect that this wont matter and I will be liable anyway. Seems unfair, but that's life. Will have to wait and see what happens.

    Hard to tell from the photo, but the wing is badly dented and will need replacing. The alloy wheel is also damaged. The tracking bizarrely seems to have been put out, as the steering wheel is no longer central to go straight. It was a fairly low speed collision.

    So annoying since this is my first 'brand new' car, and I've only ever had one accident and that was when I first passed over a decade ago. Typical eh.

  • #2
    oh noooooo :-( Very deflating.
    My DS3R3... nearly....
    New? Click HERE for some useful threads.


    • #3
      Bad news mate.. If your not going through insurance give me a shout Il will see what I can do on the parts if that helps??


      • #4
        Originally posted by John Nicol View Post
        Bad news mate.. If your not going through insurance give me a shout Il will see what I can do on the parts if that helps??
        Kind of you but have fully comp insurance with protected ncb so fingers crossed will be sorted out quickly


        • #5
          Also VERY lucky to have some nice witnesess.

          In my last dink, where the guy pulled out of a give way at a cross road, NO one stopped, lots saw it, and lots looked.
          My DS3R3... nearly....
          New? Click HERE for some useful threads.


          • #6
            Damaged DS3 Fwwwwwweeeeeennnnndddddd ?


            • #7
              Nice battle scars mate, while your waiting for repair you could come up with some heroic driving story to explain the marks.

              "yeah i was racing this fezza from the lights, and as we hit the corner he turned into my side and dented me. Still whipped his arse on the straight though....!"

              ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
              Bigfeet's File Repository
              The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bigfeet76 View Post
                "yeah i was racing this fezza from the lights, and as we hit the corner he turned into my side and dented me. Still whipped his arse on the straight though....!"

                Racing Is Dangerous, Not To Mention Illegal...

                I Should Hope You Dont Take Part In Such Yobish Antics...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Bigfeet76 View Post
                  Nice battle scars mate, while your waiting for repair you could come up with some heroic driving story to explain the marks.

                  "yeah i was racing this fezza from the lights, and as we hit the corner he turned into my side and dented me. Still whipped his arse on the straight though....!"

                  "yeah like I did this sweet jump in the car on a half pipe and flipped it 360 AND landed on the wheels... I scraped the car with my rock hard calves when I walked by to open the boot. I've been working out alot. Its a deep burn. SO deep."

                  Something like this?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Taine View Post
                    "yeah like I did this sweet jump in the car on a half pipe and flipped it 360 AND landed on the wheels... I scraped the car with my rock hard calves when I walked by to open the boot. I've been working out alot. Its a deep burn. SO deep."

                    Seriously bad luck, Taine. Hope you get it straightened out OK.


                    • #11
                      What a shame, really sorry for you. But at least you are OK.

                      Enough with the half pipe.....use a ramp!


                      • #12
                        Unlucky dude, hope everything goes your way


                        • #13
                          Such a shame. Hope you get it sorted.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Taine View Post
                            I was turning right out of a road. Lady signalling to turn left - I assumed into the road I was turning out of. I pulled out, and she carried on right into the side of me :mad:

                            No-one injured, just very frustrating. On the plus side this was witnessed by some kind members of the public who will provide a statement saying she was indicating left. On the minus side, I suspect that this wont matter and I will be liable anyway. Seems unfair, but that's life. Will have to wait and see what happens.

                            I would suspect that most people do it, I know I do, but the Highway Code section 170 states the following:

                            Take extra care at junctions. You should
                            • not assume, when waiting at a junction, that a vehicle coming from the right and signalling left will actually turn. Wait and make sure

                            I think you are right to suspect that the insurance companies will put the blame on you unfortunately

                            p.s. I haven't got the Highway Code memorised, I looked it up on the Directgov website.
                            DS3 Racing, also available in White!!!


                            • #15
                              Bad times, you must be gutted

