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Extreme drumming noise

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  • Extreme drumming noise

    Just took my new car for a spin and opened the window at about 45mph and the drumming was unbearable slowed to about 30 and it was just about bearable got up to 60 and thought the car was going to self destruct.Is this normal?Would the wind deflectors cure the noise?

  • #2
    There was a thread on this a while back. Mixed experiences - they seem to make a difference at lower speeds, but not at higher ones.


    • #3
      I Got Them And I Can Confirm They Do Nothing To Stop The Crazy Wind That Gets Sucked In By the DS3...

      I've Never Been In Another Car Like It lol


      • #4
        Thanks for the replies i guess i,ll just have to drive at 30mph forever then


        • #5
          This is a common problem and I remember it well from an Austin Montego I owned many years back. It used to be unbearable when the sun roof was opened.

          It's the organ pipe effect. With a window or sun roof open it's like the slot in an organ pipe or a flute, or like blowing across the top of an empty bottle. It porduces a musical note but in the case of a car (a bloody big organ pipe) it produces a very deep note, only one or two cycles (Hz) a second and this is felt like a bass drum being hit near you.

          The answer is to close the window and stick the aircon on! For the rude boys out there maybe the drumming in the car can be made to synch with the bass on the giant sub-woofer you have removed the rear seat for! Only problem is the population at large (who you are trying to impress/annoy) will only be able to hear the bass.



          • #6
            basically wind gets in your car and has no channel to exit apart from the window again. What i do is open the passenger window ever so slightly to let the air pass through. Works for me

