Is the one that fits??
I've moved house and firstly don't use co-op insurance as if you live in a high risk postcode for whiplash claims even if you have 20 years driving experience one bump which was 10 years ago and 10 years ncd protecting, they will drop you like a stone!! I did get an apology but that's another story.
To protect the car as I don't have a drive anymore I thought get a steering lock its visual and easy to fit, went to halfords but th two they stock jus sent the horn off.
Anybody use one that works?
I've moved house and firstly don't use co-op insurance as if you live in a high risk postcode for whiplash claims even if you have 20 years driving experience one bump which was 10 years ago and 10 years ncd protecting, they will drop you like a stone!! I did get an apology but that's another story.
To protect the car as I don't have a drive anymore I thought get a steering lock its visual and easy to fit, went to halfords but th two they stock jus sent the horn off.
Anybody use one that works?