Saw a DS3 today, black with white roof. It was not the poverty model without the LEDs as they were clearly visible, but turned off.
Is it possible to turn them off? Excepting when sidelights/headlights are on, of course.
Do some people think they are a bit naff, and make their vehicle look like it's a 44-ton wagon or worse still a fairground/traveller's truck?
Perhaps they might think you are a rude boy/Barry boy/street racer with LEDs festooned everywhere.
This prospective DS3 owner would like to know.
IMHO the LEDs make the vehicle distinctive, I can't imagine why Citroen would supply a car without them. Who would buy a DS3 without them apart from fleet owners/rental companies etc.
Is it possible to turn them off? Excepting when sidelights/headlights are on, of course.
Do some people think they are a bit naff, and make their vehicle look like it's a 44-ton wagon or worse still a fairground/traveller's truck?
Perhaps they might think you are a rude boy/Barry boy/street racer with LEDs festooned everywhere.
This prospective DS3 owner would like to know.
IMHO the LEDs make the vehicle distinctive, I can't imagine why Citroen would supply a car without them. Who would buy a DS3 without them apart from fleet owners/rental companies etc.