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Windows Via Key

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  • #16
    Chris_Blue - the Audi does this and I'm sure your Golf will too

    As for the feature, as an owner of four black cars in a row I love this feature, allows me to let the worst of the oven heat out of the car before I get in, whilst walking towards the car.


    • #17
      Originally posted by lfcrule1972 View Post
      Chris_Blue - the Audi does this and I'm sure your Golf will too

      As for the feature, as an owner of four black cars in a row I love this feature, allows me to let the worst of the oven heat out of the car before I get in, whilst walking towards the car.
      yeah all golf's since the mk4 do it. It's called comfort opening.
      I make cars go quicker then take photos of them.
      Genuine Alientech Kess V2 & K-Tag


      • #18
        Originally posted by Dangerousfish View Post
        So what you're trying to say is that Citroen want's us to die miserable?

        No wait a sec.... we offer this feature on most of our cars.
        ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
        Bigfeet's File Repository
        The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


        • #19
          Originally posted by charlesthetog View Post
          yeah all golf's since the mk4 do it. It's called comfort opening.
          My old Astra's both did it way back

          Originally posted by Bigfeet View Post

          No wait a sec.... we offer this feature on most of our cars.
          Ha ha so DS3 owners are being victimised ? You heard it here first folks


          • #20
            so many gadgets things on mine I gave up.

            Get in, start, drive, foot down.
            Jog on Noddy


            • #21
              On our other car a Vectra elite. It has this function where you can open and close the windows with the key. Should you leave the windows open and it starts to rain. They automatically close by themselves.


              • #22
                On hot days, I have found if you put the air con on to auto as you get in it doesn't take long at all to cool down.


                • #23
                  There'll always be some snarky remarks about features like this but normally it's because people haven't experienced them.

                  This feature does make a small difference particularly during the summer; it allows air to flow around the car so that it doesn't feel like you're stepping into an oven, especially helpful if you've got leather seats.

                  I honestly wonder why it isn't a standard thing. It's just as much of a convenience feature as remote locking, perhaps more so.

                  I was hoping my new Skoda would have it as most cars in their range do... but unfortunately not this time [emoji1361]

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by TypeDS3 View Post
                    On hot days, I have found if you put the air con on to auto as you get in it doesn't take long at all to cool down.
                    Mine is always on auto, opening the windows first means the ac doesn't have to go crazy when you turn the key as the worst of the heat is gone


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by DigitalCal View Post
                      There'll always be some snarky remarks about features like this but normally it's because people haven't experienced them.
                      Open drivers door, lower passenger window, get in car after 15 seconds. All is good

                      Hope this not too snarky.
                      Jog on Noddy


                      • #26
                        Did you try the remote function on yours Chris ?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by lfcrule1972 View Post
                          Did you try the remote function on yours Chris ?
                          No. Been consigned to as much use as the self levelling wing mirrors (Which self level when you don't want them too) the cruise control which brakes when it wants to, and the myriad of functions such as oil temperature display, variable sensor delivered wipers, electronic handbrake which hasn't worked on a hill twice now, and car wont start unless clutch is depressed and couple times hasn't even started then.

                          LOL. All these gadgets

                          Worst one , after getting used to not having a handbrake, is the emergency assist brake which just applies itself when it thinks youre not gonna stop....
                          Jog on Noddy


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Chris_Blue View Post
                            No. Been consigned to as much use as the self levelling wing mirrors (Which self level when you don't want them too) the cruise control which brakes when it wants to, and the myriad of functions such as oil temperature display, variable sensor delivered wipers, electronic handbrake which hasn't worked on a hill twice now, and car wont start unless clutch is depressed and couple times hasn't even started then.

                            LOL. All these gadgets

                            Worst one , after getting used to not having a handbrake, is the emergency assist brake which just applies itself when it thinks youre not gonna stop....
                            are you by any chance driving the golf mk7? If so I feel your pain with the front assist. AlMost ca used a crash the first day I had the car! Also didn't like the clutch to start routine.
                            I make cars go quicker then take photos of them.
                            Genuine Alientech Kess V2 & K-Tag


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by DigitalCal View Post
                              There'll always be some snarky remarks about features like this but normally it's because people haven't experienced them.

                              This feature does make a small difference particularly during the summer; it allows air to flow around the car so that it doesn't feel like you're stepping into an oven, especially helpful if you've got leather seats.

                              I honestly wonder why it isn't a standard thing. It's just as much of a convenience feature as remote locking, perhaps more so.

                              I was hoping my new Skoda would have it as most cars in their range do... but unfortunately not this time [emoji1361]

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                              You can enable it if you have VCDS. If not where are you based and I can sort you out?
                              I make cars go quicker then take photos of them.
                              Genuine Alientech Kess V2 & K-Tag


                              • #30
                                The clutch to start routine is a PITA I agree It's my only gripe with mine, there was a chap who made wiring harnesses to bypass this requirement but they don't work with the stop/start system and appear to be best suited for older Audi's

