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Puretech 110 mpg

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  • Puretech 110 mpg

    Looking to replace my diesel DS3 soon and was thinking of getting petrol this time - looking at the Puretech 110 but wondered what mpg people were getting from this model.

    I probably drive just over half my mileage on motorways and drive fairly sensibly but wondered what mpg people were generally getting so I could see if this was a good swap for me.

    Many thanks for your help!

  • #2
    You would easily get between 50-60 mpg if you're on the motorway a lot. I have the 110 and get 40 odd just round the town centre as I'm not on the motorway a lot


    • #3
      That sounds perfect then, was worried it would be too much of a drop as I get around 60 mpg on the diesel and didn't want to swap for something that gives me less than 50 mpg really.

      Thanks for the reply!

