Thoguht I would share a great Insurance Deal I got on my DS3 Sport Plus 150THP.
It was through the new Admiral Multi-Car policy.
As I was a company car driver and could not get a No Claims discount from my previous company (they went bump) - but Admiral gave me 2 years No Claims as I have been a named driver on the Mrs Insurance.
Previous quotes to for SD&C inc Business Travel, £250 excess ranged from £2000 upwards
An insurance broker managed to get me a deal @ £1400
However thru multi-car the cost of my car came down to a Wopping £650 RESULT!
Mrs Car insurance on the policy is the same as she currently Pays.
Thought 1 or 2 people may find this helpfull - you can do it all online at Admiral website (believe they are the only company to offer a true multi-car insurance).
By the way - No clains is built up seperately, and accidents do not effect other drivers on policy.
It was through the new Admiral Multi-Car policy.
As I was a company car driver and could not get a No Claims discount from my previous company (they went bump) - but Admiral gave me 2 years No Claims as I have been a named driver on the Mrs Insurance.
Previous quotes to for SD&C inc Business Travel, £250 excess ranged from £2000 upwards
An insurance broker managed to get me a deal @ £1400
However thru multi-car the cost of my car came down to a Wopping £650 RESULT!
Mrs Car insurance on the policy is the same as she currently Pays.
Thought 1 or 2 people may find this helpfull - you can do it all online at Admiral website (believe they are the only company to offer a true multi-car insurance).
By the way - No clains is built up seperately, and accidents do not effect other drivers on policy.