I realised today I'd not seen the locking wheel nut key for the wife's DS3, so set about trying to find it. Firstly I've checked and it does have locking nuts fitted, but no key in the car.
I've tried in the glovebox, cubby holes in the dash and armrest, under the seats, seat pockets, rear quarter pockets, boot side pockets (well, behind the plastic grilles), under the boot floor in the foam thingy, and even under the bonnet - but can't find them anywhere. Leaves me to think they didn't put them in the car.... unless they have a special hiding place?! Ideas welcome!
How easy for the dealer to source a replacement? I don't fancy having the bolts drilled out!!! Also worried about any damage they may cause to the wheels when trying! I am uber careful with these painted rims as they mark so easily. I usually fit masking tape to my wheel brace to prevent marking!!!
Also, in the boot kit under the carpet it only has an orange compressor thing and a towing eye - there are holes for loads of other bits, but nothing else there. Am I missing anything?
I've tried in the glovebox, cubby holes in the dash and armrest, under the seats, seat pockets, rear quarter pockets, boot side pockets (well, behind the plastic grilles), under the boot floor in the foam thingy, and even under the bonnet - but can't find them anywhere. Leaves me to think they didn't put them in the car.... unless they have a special hiding place?! Ideas welcome!
How easy for the dealer to source a replacement? I don't fancy having the bolts drilled out!!! Also worried about any damage they may cause to the wheels when trying! I am uber careful with these painted rims as they mark so easily. I usually fit masking tape to my wheel brace to prevent marking!!!
Also, in the boot kit under the carpet it only has an orange compressor thing and a towing eye - there are holes for loads of other bits, but nothing else there. Am I missing anything?