This noise coming from the front dash, around the speaker. its a whining noise its starting to wind me up. it comes and goes. go over a bump it goes away. maybe one day. maybe away for a week or two. its random when it starts and stops. does anyone know the cause or anything? i recorded a video but dont know how to upload here.
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Annoying noise
-!AlpzbZ-2lX3_gY4EjEezj_cxO_l3UA this is the video i uploaded to my one drive. hopefully this works.
Originally posted by DeeTurbo View PostI see you have the HIFI system.
It sounds like and earthing issue. If the car is under warranty it would be best to send it in for repair.
Have you got anything plugged into the Aux port?Originally posted by cyclone
It is in the handbook. Satisfied.
Originally posted by Broda
I would rather teabag a bear trap
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Originally posted by DeeTurbo View PostI see you have the HIFI system.
It sounds like and earthing issue. If the car is under warranty it would be best to send it in for repair.
Have you got anything plugged into the Aux port?