Hi all,
I just bought a 2017 DS3 yesterday with 11000km on the clock. I drove it home 450km and the engine management light came on about 5km away from home, with a message on the touchscreen saying ‘engine fault’. The engine management light on the dash is constant, according to the handbook this indicates an emissions fault. The car is still under warranty but Citroen can’t look at it for nearly a week. The car drives normally, no loss of power. Does anyone have any idea what the issue could be? Could it be low adblue levels and does anyone know what warnings there’d be for low adblue levels?
Thanks in advance!
I just bought a 2017 DS3 yesterday with 11000km on the clock. I drove it home 450km and the engine management light came on about 5km away from home, with a message on the touchscreen saying ‘engine fault’. The engine management light on the dash is constant, according to the handbook this indicates an emissions fault. The car is still under warranty but Citroen can’t look at it for nearly a week. The car drives normally, no loss of power. Does anyone have any idea what the issue could be? Could it be low adblue levels and does anyone know what warnings there’d be for low adblue levels?
Thanks in advance!