The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It protects us against bacteria, keeps our insides inside and works as our personal air conditioner. All of our skin has sweat and oil glands and we perspire everywhere including our heads. For hair wearers scalp perspiration can be a big problem. A sweaty scalp can lead to a variety of different problems for those wearing hair replacement systems including general discomfort, skin irritation, and breakdown of base material and premature hair loss from the base of the hair replacement. Luckily, there are a few ways to help to minimize and deal with a sweaty scalp.
If you are wearing a polyurethane hair replacement system, scalp perspiration is a very common side effect and unfortunately there is very little you can do to limit the perspiration scalp since you are essentially putting plastic on top of your head. The majority of our body heat is released from the head so covering it with a plastic hair hat will definitely cause it to perspire, Mens Hair Toupees but even with a mesh or lace base one may experience a little more heat up on top just due to the fact that it's being covered up. Here are a few tips that may help to decrease the amount of scalp perspiration you experience.
1. Before applying your hair system, be sure that your scalp is clean then apply an astringent with a cotton pad and allow the astringent to dry completely. The astringent will shrink the pores on the scalp to delay perspiration.
2. Avoid hot showers. This is good advice for your entire body. When you take a hot shower you heat up the body in general. When we get hot we sweat, even in the shower. If you have to take a hot shower try to rinse your body and head with cool water to decrease your body temperature. If you start out cool it will take that much longer for you to heat up.
3. Finally, you can apply a thin layer of antiperspirant to your scalp before attaching your system. It will retard perspiration on your head just like it does under your arms.
Depending on the type of base material you prefer, there may not necessarily be anything you can do to prevent scalp perspiration, but there are definitely solutions to control the problem, and of course if you experience any kind of severe problem or reaction as a result of scalp perspiration, the best remedy may be to change to a base style that is more suited towards your lifestyle. Looking great is always important but your good health should come first! If you aren't sure what kind of base material is right for you, be sure to discuss all your options with your hair replacement company.
If you are wearing a polyurethane hair replacement system, scalp perspiration is a very common side effect and unfortunately there is very little you can do to limit the perspiration scalp since you are essentially putting plastic on top of your head. The majority of our body heat is released from the head so covering it with a plastic hair hat will definitely cause it to perspire, Mens Hair Toupees but even with a mesh or lace base one may experience a little more heat up on top just due to the fact that it's being covered up. Here are a few tips that may help to decrease the amount of scalp perspiration you experience.
1. Before applying your hair system, be sure that your scalp is clean then apply an astringent with a cotton pad and allow the astringent to dry completely. The astringent will shrink the pores on the scalp to delay perspiration.
2. Avoid hot showers. This is good advice for your entire body. When you take a hot shower you heat up the body in general. When we get hot we sweat, even in the shower. If you have to take a hot shower try to rinse your body and head with cool water to decrease your body temperature. If you start out cool it will take that much longer for you to heat up.
3. Finally, you can apply a thin layer of antiperspirant to your scalp before attaching your system. It will retard perspiration on your head just like it does under your arms.
Depending on the type of base material you prefer, there may not necessarily be anything you can do to prevent scalp perspiration, but there are definitely solutions to control the problem, and of course if you experience any kind of severe problem or reaction as a result of scalp perspiration, the best remedy may be to change to a base style that is more suited towards your lifestyle. Looking great is always important but your good health should come first! If you aren't sure what kind of base material is right for you, be sure to discuss all your options with your hair replacement company.