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Roadhawk in car camera - close encounter with 3 deers

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  • Roadhawk in car camera - close encounter with 3 deers

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    I recently purchased this in car camera, called the roadhawk at New Year. I have to say it’s a very good system and plugs into the 12v power socket next to handbrake (or you can hardwire it if you want)

    On the way to gym today I noticed 3 deers coming down the hill and had to slam the brakes on.

    Hope you all like the video the link is below

  • #2
    Narrow escape there, mate- they can make a helluva mess if you hit one...

    My mother-in-law still hasn't forgiven me for the time, over 20 years ago, when she came across a fresh deer carcass by the side of the road in Thetford forest, and couldn't lug it home for the freezer (as she customarily did with road-kill) because we'd swapped cars - I'd borrowed her battered Pug estate to shift some furniture, & she was afraid of getting blood all over the inside of my pampered MGB GT.
    Last edited by gar074; 05-03-2012, 21:50.


    • #3
      ive got the cheaper one thats not a roadhawk, same quality however. ive had some close encounters mostly with the commercial vehicle kind lol


      • #4
        Yea defo messy if u hit it. About 15 yrs ago I was in ma mums car and deer jumped out of hedge infront of us will never forget the sound of bones getting crushed under the car. Horrible

        I did look at the other cameras but the small design of the roadhawk won it for me.

