Paying with a bank card in an online store is perhaps the fastest and most convenient for most online stores, but on the other hand, it can be the most problematic with it. In Russia, according to statistics, more and more people own bank cards and, you see, it is very convenient to pay with them! But then why are so few orders paid with a bank card?
The reason lies in the distrust of most buyers to the online store and bank cards. Most prefer to call the store before ordering to check availability (even if the site says that the product is in stock), and only then order the goods by choosing cash or cash on delivery. In the future, we will definitely tell you how to persuade the buyer to pay by card
The reason lies in the distrust of most buyers to the online store and bank cards. Most prefer to call the store before ordering to check availability (even if the site says that the product is in stock), and only then order the goods by choosing cash or cash on delivery. In the future, we will definitely tell you how to persuade the buyer to pay by card