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Ds3 dsport lands on Wednesday!!

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  • #16
    Problem with the dustcaps is that people (Little sods?) keep nicking them!
    Silver skull dustcaps- all nicked weekend of the National/FCS
    Put another set on- Nicked when up in Nottingham car park
    Got a set of (Allen key) lockable Union Jack caps (Olympics)- 2 nicked nearside!
    Bit of a twit but didnt tighten as heard horror stories of dustcaps rusting on! Cant reflate tyre!
    Dont know what to do really- least those normal black dustcaps dont seem to get nicked

    Good luck tomos Matt- sos for the thread subject deviation
    Jog on Noddy


    • #17
      Oh dear thought the ones I have ordered with the Allen key would be safe!
      Guess if they are determined nothing will stop
      Yeah can't wait for tomorrow...tick tock....


      • #18
        At the end of the day I only paid 1.99 or 2.99 for my ds ones a while back and can write off buying new ones as a necessary cost.
        Black on Black DSports+ THP 155 16v Custom Remap to 193BHP; 230lb/ft


        • #19
          Originally posted by Chris_Blue View Post
          Problem with the dustcaps is that people (Little sods?) keep nicking them!
          Silver skull dustcaps- all nicked weekend of the National/FCS
          Put another set on- Nicked when up in Nottingham car park
          Got a set of (Allen key) lockable Union Jack caps (Olympics)- 2 nicked nearside!
          Bit of a twit but didnt tighten as heard horror stories of dustcaps rusting on! Cant reflate tyre!
          Dont know what to do really- least those normal black dustcaps dont seem to get nicked

          Good luck tomos Matt- sos for the thread subject deviation
          Trouble is the black ones are 'two a penny' your fancy ones are not!


          • #20
            Mine would only get nicked when I'm out and about, the kids round here know better than to go anywhere near my car lol
            Black on Black DSports+ THP 155 16v Custom Remap to 193BHP; 230lb/ft


            • #21
              Welcome Mattbrum

              Just to follow on valve caps I had nitrogen put in my tyres today they fitted bright green caps which I swapped back to black
              2012 Dstyle+ 1.6 eHDI 90 Airdreamsigpic
              Belle Ile Blue With Black Roof


              • #22
                Originally posted by AJ07 View Post
                Trouble is the black ones are 'two a penny' your fancy ones are not!
                Thing is AJ- Mine were only £1.50 a set- thats why didnt think I'd mind em getting nicked
                After the third set, u start gettin cheesed off!

                Nothing wrong with the Allen key ones, just Ive heard they rust "on" and u cant get them off. Good ole vaseline mebes?

                What does Nitrogen do Quazzo?
                Jog on Noddy


                • #23
                  Welcome to the club ! Great engine choice if I do say so :P Enjoy it as there great little cars plus good colour combo


                  • #24
                    Ahhhh, the old is nitrogen worth it on road car tyres debate
                    Black on Black DSports+ THP 155 16v Custom Remap to 193BHP; 230lb/ft


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by chiefnerd View Post
                      Ahhhh, the old is nitrogen worth it on road car tyres debate
                      Know nothin about Nitrogen in tyres me
                      Just thought nitrogen was in fertilisers (Some which contribute to blowing things up)

                      Sorry for thread hijack
                      Let us know how things go Brum (Me guessing youre from London LOL)
                      Jog on Noddy


                      • #26
                        Update and pics to follow later this week!!
                        And no not the smoke...Brummy...loud and proud! :cool:


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Mattbrum View Post
                          Update and pics to follow later this week!!
                          And no not the smoke...Brummy...loud and proud! :cool:
                          Just having a little jestin- MATTBRUM. Name sort of gives it away
                          Have fun with the motor
                          Jog on Noddy


                          • #28
                            Well the ds3 landed at 11am this morning... What a fantastic little motor!! :cool:
                            Did 200 round trip for work this afternoon...great engine! Pokey and 51mpg and wasn't hanging around :rolleyes:
                            How quiet in the car at motor speed!?

                            Really like the metallic grey which looked great when the sun came out early evening! Great interior!
                            Even a red ds3 had a bit of fun with me on the dual carriage way at lunchtime lol!
                            Nit picking...but think they forgot to add a glovebox!!

                            Will get pics up at weekend...

                            Over and out....


                            • #29
                              Sorry meant motor way speed...long day!
                              Is it worth waxing the car at the weekend? Want to keep the gleam!


                              • #30
                                lol...glad you;re having fun with it
                                Black on Black DSports+ THP 155 16v Custom Remap to 193BHP; 230lb/ft

