Afternoon all...
Has anyone else on here got or used GAP insurance? Did do a quick search, but didn't get any hits...
Am currently looking at getting a policy to cover my DS3, as don't want to end up out of pocket if the worst should happen...
Currently am looking between and Both offer Vehicle Replacement cover, so rather than having to fund any increase in car costs over the invoice price, the full replacement cost is covered...
Both are at £130, give or take a couple of quid, for a 3 year policy, so it's almost a no-brainer...
Any other companies I should be looking at? Or any reason not to go with either of the above?
Comments as always welcome...
Has anyone else on here got or used GAP insurance? Did do a quick search, but didn't get any hits...
Am currently looking at getting a policy to cover my DS3, as don't want to end up out of pocket if the worst should happen...
Currently am looking between and Both offer Vehicle Replacement cover, so rather than having to fund any increase in car costs over the invoice price, the full replacement cost is covered...
Both are at £130, give or take a couple of quid, for a 3 year policy, so it's almost a no-brainer...
Any other companies I should be looking at? Or any reason not to go with either of the above?
Comments as always welcome...