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Picking up my Ds3 on Saturday!!

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  • Picking up my Ds3 on Saturday!!

    Finally got round to getting a ds3, ordered last Saturday and getting it this Saturday so fairly quick turnaround.

    However, they want me to drive to the dealers tomorrow to sign the finance documents and be insured from tomorrow ( driveaway insurance) yet I cant pick it up till Saturday ( due to tax I believe). Surely I could just sign the documents Saturday when I pick the car up? Pretty sure they are asking me to sign tomorrow to hit sales targets for November?

    Just don't want to do an unwasted journey as nearly an hour away, waste of petrolpl plus get an understanding of how it works!!


  • #2
    Hi Chris

    I'm also picking my new DS3 up on Saturday. I was asked to come prior to the collection date to do much the same. The reason given was that it takes a while for them to send the scanned documents off and get the ok to release the car. The sales guy I've been dealing with also said that on a Saturday it can take a while to get the ok so coming in a few days before would save time and if there were any issues, they could be dealt with with on a weekday. They took a copy of my licence and a bill to prove who I was and then I signed the paperwork. It could well be to do with end of month sales targets but it will reduce a bit of time on Saturday I guess.



    • #3
      The reason you need to sign the documents off is as Kevin points out is to get payment for the car before releasing it you. Understand that the dealer is not selling you the car rather the finance company. The finance company will not pay for the car before they have checked all the documents and are happy that you are who you say you are and no dealer is going to let you drive away with a car without paying for it first!

      This has nothing to do with sales targets, you will know that from looking at the registered date of the car.

      On a side note was there not a closer dealer?
      ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
      Bigfeet's File Repository
      The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


      • #4
        Hi i also had to go into the dealer a few days before collection to sign the finance paperwork! Charlie


        • #5
          Which dealer you going to Chris ? T&D Merthyr ?

