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Diesel anyone?

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  • #16
    bp Ultimate Diesel:

    Cetane number is the key measure of diesel fuel combustion quality. The number relates to the ignition delay - the period that occurs between the start of fuel injection and the start of combustion. Good quality combustion occurs with rapid ignition followed by smooth and complete fuel burn: the higher the cetane number, the shorter the ignition delay and the better the quality of combustion.
    Conversely, low cetane number fuels are slow to ignite and then burn too rapidly, leading to high rates of pressure rise. These poor combustion characteristics can give rise to excessive engine noise and vibration, increased exhaust emissions and reduced vehicle performance, with increased engine stress. Excessive smoke and noise are familiar problems associated with diesel vehicles, particularly under cold starting conditions.
    Cetane number of 55 minimum
    BP Ultimate Diesel has a cetane number of 55 minimum, significantly higher than the standard 51 cetane for diesel fuels in this market. This improved cetane quality means that BP Ultimate Diesel burns more smoothly and completely than ordinary diesel, so it can help deliver improved performance and better fuel economy, and reduce exhaust emissions and engine noise.
    Life's too short to grow up! ;0)


    • #17
      BP Ultimate Cleaning
      The use of ordinary fuels can result in the formation of engine deposits, which can build up rapidly on critical engine components such as fuel injectors. Not surprisingly, these deposits can have a noticeable impact on performance; reducing the power and responsiveness of your engine, increasing fuel consumption and exhaust emissions, and even increasing engine vibration.
      Up to four times the cleaning strength of ordinary diesel
      With the importance of engine cleanliness clear, BP Ultimate Diesel is designed to clean your engine as you drive; to help remove existing deposits and keep your engine clean. This is possible through our advanced fuel formulation which has up to four times the cleaning strength of ordinary diesel.
      Continuous use of BP Ultimate Diesel can help keep your engine in a new condition and help remove the carbonaceous deposits that inferior fuels can leave behind on your engine’s critical parts, allowing it to run more smoothly and efficiently. Efficient engines perform better, produce fewer emissions and have better fuel economy, and a cleaner engine can also mean reduced maintenance and even extend vehicle life.
      Independent industry standard tests show that BP Ultimate Diesel can increase flow across the fuel injector by up to a remarkable 380% compared with ordinary diesel.
      Life's too short to grow up! ;0)


      • #18
        BP Ultimate Protection:

        BP Ultimate Diesel is formulated to help protect your engine against the harmful effects of rust and wear
        Did you know that rust can form on critical engine components? In much the same way as rust can damage the outside of your vehicle, it can also cause damage where you can’t see it; inside your engine.

        Over time, rust inside your engine can lead to increased wear and tear. And a rusty engine is a less reliable engine, which could even shorten the life of your vehicle.

        Rust on a steel test rod after immersion in ordinary fuel
        Using a standard industry test method for assessing the corrosive properties of petroleum products shows how rust can form on metal surfaces immersed in ordinary fuel.

        Steel test rod is protected against rust when immersed in BP Ultimate Diesel
        But see how a metal surface is protected from corrosion when immersed in BP Ultimate Diesel under the same test conditions.
        That’s because BP Ultimate Diesel is formulated to include components that can protect your engine against the harmful effects of rust and wear; protection that can help enhance engine operation, reduce the risk of engine damage and even extend the life of your vehicle.
        Life's too short to grow up! ;0)


        • #19

          Immersed in ordinary diesel
          Life's too short to grow up! ;0)


          • #20

            Steel test rod is protected against rust when immersed in BP Ultimate Diesel
            Life's too short to grow up! ;0)


            • #21
              Surely a DS3 is worth a few pence to look after however slight the improvements are? You wouldn't clean your car with a cheap harsh sponge to save a few pence? or put cheap oil in the engine? or buy a cheap tasting pint or drink uht milk... lol lol
              I want to put dirty unused veg oil in mine really tho ;-) lol love the smell of fish n chips and it saves on car air freshners! ;-) and they should bring back the proper smell of old diesel...
              Life's too short to grow up! ;0)


              • #22
                Thanks for all that info. Do you work for BP?
                I can't remember which petrol it was that had a detergent in it that started causing Vauxhall engines to fail a while back...seems like they relied on a layer of fuel sludge to keep the piston ring seals intact...when the engines got clean, they started smoking and burning loads of oil.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by AnotherPhil View Post
                  Thanks for all that info. Do you work for BP?
                  I can't remember which petrol it was that had a detergent in it that started causing Vauxhall engines to fail a while back...seems like they relied on a layer of fuel sludge to keep the piston ring seals intact...when the engines got clean, they started smoking and burning loads of oil.
                  I think that it was Shell who had the problem a few years back.


                  • #24
                    I Think BP Must Be Paying Mike...

                    Originally posted by AnotherPhil View Post
                    Vauxhall engines to fail a while back...when the engines got clean, they started smoking and burning loads of oil.
                    My Astra Was A Bitch On Oil...

                    Probz Just My Driving Tho :L


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by T 24CK T View Post
                      I Think BP Must Be Paying Mike...
                      Either that or he's got way to much time on his hands!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by CooperKiller View Post
                        Either that or he's got way to much time on his hands!
                        Its Mark not Mike! and err yes a little too much time at the moment... sorry! Can't believe Vauxhall's had the problem when being clean.... but that does kinda remind me.... my girlfriend is a much better ride when she is dirty!! lmfao!! ;o)
                        Life's too short to grow up! ;0)


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by mbartlett View Post
                          Its Mark not Mike! and err yes a little too much time at the moment... sorry! Can't believe Vauxhall's had the problem when being clean.... but that does kinda remind me.... my girlfriend is a much better ride when she is dirty!! lmfao!! ;o)
                          She hit me several times ;-(
                          Life's too short to grow up! ;0)


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by mbartlett View Post
                            Its Mark not Mike!
                            Same Thing :L

