Well my DS3 was booked in at my local dealer today for it's 6 month check up, they asked me before I took it in to let them know if there were any issues I'd noted and they would look at them today. I advised them of the following:
I've just picked up my DS3 and was advised of the following in response to the points above:
All in all I'm very happy with the 6m check up ! We did experience the Economy mode when testing the Caller Display issue, was pleased to note that it's as annoying for the Workshop as it is for us ! They asked me if anyone in the forum knew how to disable it as they aren't able to do it...... Anyone up for a challenge on that front
Well my DS3 was booked in at my local dealer today for it's 6 month check up, they asked me before I took it in to let them know if there were any issues I'd noted and they would look at them today. I advised them of the following:
- Caller Display - When using my phone the Caller Display doesn't work. On my previous DS3 it functioned correctly, I could see on the DS3 display who was calling before I answered. With this new car the Caller Display only shows "" as the name of the caller. I have asked about this on a DS3 forum but no one knows how to resolve it. I wondered if this was something you might be able to advise on ? Someone suggested the firmware for the stereo unit might need upgrading ?
- Passenger door - this is harder than you'd expect to shut. There doesn't appear to be any big issue just that when closing it gently on the spring it doesn't close. The Drivers door closes properly and is not an issue
- Autolights - I always use this function, four times since I collected the car I've noticed that the Autolight function doesn't work. To be clear the majority of the time it does but I have been caught out 4 times by the system not turning on the lights. To resolve it I switch the lights (via the stalk) on manually, the display says Autolights cancelled. I then turn it back to auto, the display confirms the function is active again and then the system works correctly again for a number of weeks.
- Front and rear bumper fitment - I've notice that overtime the front and rear bumpers seem to push away from the edge of the wing, this is noticeable most when it's hot. I can push them back into line but they pop out again within a few days. I understand there are clamps behind the bumper that can be tightened to prevent this from happening. Please can you arrange for this to happen on Thursday ?
I've just picked up my DS3 and was advised of the following in response to the points above:
- Caller Display - As I expected this is an issue with my iPhone 4s, the dealer connected two different phones this morning and with both of those it worked correctly. They tried deleting the phone and re-pairing but no success. The Tech guy is going on a training course next Monday covering multimedia/phones etc and will raise this again to see if anyone else has a resolution. Apparently they've had similar issues with DS5's and iPhones, this appears to be fixed now but with no Firmware update available for the DS3 head unit at the moment this issue will continue until Apple review the iOS updates to make them work with this system.
- Passenger door - all fixed !
- Autolights - The light sensor has been removed from the housing in the mirror, cleaned and appears to be working normally. Will know in a few weeks I guess
- Bumper fitment - The dealer confirmed this is a known issue. They have ordered new parts today (clamps and rivets I believe) and will call me when they arrive to arrange for them to be fitted.
All in all I'm very happy with the 6m check up ! We did experience the Economy mode when testing the Caller Display issue, was pleased to note that it's as annoying for the Workshop as it is for us ! They asked me if anyone in the forum knew how to disable it as they aren't able to do it...... Anyone up for a challenge on that front
