ds3adi - I've got a white DSport HDi with black roof - got it 20th April last year and still very much in love with it. MPG has gone a bit shit on it recently though for no apparent reason
No announcement yet.
So just how many DS3s are out there?
Black DSport On M4 Today ?
Guy In A Suit ?...
Didnt Catch The Reg... Was Too Busy Overtaking Him lolz...
A mate of mine called today to tell me he'd seen an identical one to mine (cherry red/black) on the A4 today near Heathrow.
Bugger that, I thought, believing mine was a fairly unusual combination.
Then I found out later that it was mine - the garage who are taking a look at a fuel problem had been taking it for a test drive!DStyle HDi
Cherry Red/Black
Chrome strips & mirrors