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DS3 - Dealer unable to fix car, bill given!

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  • DS3 - Dealer unable to fix car, bill given!

    Hi, I would be extremely grateful for any help or advice that anyone could give me regarding a problem that I have had with a new DS3 for the past few months!

    I purchased a brand new Citroen DS3 style plus model in September 2012 from a local Citroen garage. In July 2013 I had several episodes of the car shaking when trying to accelerate and rapidly losing speed. I took the car back to the dealer, who were unable to find any problem. At the end of July the same problem occurred and the engine cut out; I was taken by the breakdown company back to the garage, where after a week I was told that the problem (re-programming of fuel injector jets) had been fixed.

    During December, the same problem occurred repeatedly, with the engine again cutting out late at night on 22nd. I took the car back to the garage, and I was told that the problem had been fixed (software update needed).

    By the beginning of January I was experiencing the same problems, with the car cutting out driving home from work late at night. The garage kept the car for almost a month to investigate it, with discussion with Citroen themselves, and were unable to find the fault! Again the fuel injector jets were reprogrammed. I was told by the garage initially that a fault had been found with the software, and that it was not a serious problem, and then that that had been a mistake. Assurances were given that enquiries would be made about replacing the car, and that I would hear within 5 days - nothing!

    Within 4 weeks I was again experiencing the problem, and the engine cut out whilst driving home from work. I was towed back to the garage. As yet the garage have been unable to find any problem. Following almost 5 weeks of stress and ringing backwards and forwards between the garage and Citroen, I have now been informed that I will be required to pay for a new car.

    This nightmare has been continuing for 9 months, and I am desperate for a resolution!

  • #2
    You need to get organised and get everything in writing. Take names and phone numbers before speaking or listening to anyone about the problem and ask them to confirm the conversation with an email to you. Get everything you have together and write detailed notes on everything that has happened in chronological order. Get on the phone to Citroen themselves and ask them to repair or replace the car by a certain date.


    • #3
      Possible faulty battery earth lead perhaps?

      Peugeot 208 GTi Prestige - Orange Power


      • #4
        ^ I wondered that Toxic, you'd hope the dealer would've checked the info rapids though


        • #5
          Is anyone else in complete shock that they've basically said they can't fix it, you need another car, here is the bill?!

          Feel really sorry for you, hope others can give you some advice.


          • #6
            Oops double post..

