I have a reverse parking sensor problem and wondered in anyone had any ideas as to what is causing it. My DS3 was put on a diagnostic machine as the reverse parking sensors stopped working. Two new sensors were installed. Now the sensors work when I set off on a journey but by the time I get there they have stopped working! The mechanic has checked the wiring but says he can not find anything wrong and is at a loss what to do next! Grateful for any ideas. Garry
I have a reverse parking sensor problem and wondered in anyone had any ideas as to what is causing it. My DS3 was put on a diagnostic machine as the reverse parking sensors stopped working. Two new sensors were installed. Now the sensors work when I set off on a journey but by the time I get there they have stopped working! The mechanic has checked the wiring but says he can not find anything wrong and is at a loss what to do next! Grateful for any ideas. Garry