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WRC Rally d'Italia Sardegna - 18 - 21 Oct 12

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  • #16
    I had a brainwave-sorta just came to me
    Got those OSRAMS and fitted this afternoon- tried to start undoing the torx screw that held the hinge of the retaining clip DOH!
    All in and working now- gonna give them a try in 10 mins going to Devils Dyke for a meal
    Will practice my rally driving (Just to keep with the context of the post)
    Jog on Noddy


    • #17
      Lisa should be giving us a mention on WRC Radio


      • #18
        Originally posted by ds3adi View Post
        Lisa should be giving us a mention on WRC Radio
        Whose mentioning who on where?
        Jog on Noddy


        • #19
          Originally posted by Chris_Blue View Post
          Whose mentioning who on where?
          Lisa is one of the presenters on WRC Radio, I assume from "giving us a mention" ds3adi means the club.

          If you go to and click on the bit that says WRC Live followed by some green vertical bars ( right-hand side of the screen underneath the watch ) you can listen to the live broadcast during the rally, starts 1/2 hour before the first stage which kicks off at 07:43 tomorrow ( Friday )
          DS3 Racing, also available in White!!!


          • #20
            Yep Lisa was after suggestions for records for the weekend and liked my suggestion of Plastic Bertrand and will hopefully play it for the club if she hasn't already, lol


            • #21
              Originally posted by ds3adi View Post
              Yep Lisa was after suggestions for records for the weekend and liked my suggestion of Plastic Bertrand and will hopefully play it for the club if she hasn't already, lol
              Don't remember hearing it today, will listen out for it tomorrow
              DS3 Racing, also available in White!!!


              • #22
                Video from first day courtesy of Citroen Racing

                DS3 Racing, also available in White!!!


                • #23
                  Citroën Racing ‏@CitroenRacing
                  Day 2 starting order: Nobre, Pedersoli, Prokop, Tanak, Atko, Novikov, Latvala, Ostberg, Neuville, Solberg, Hirvonen, Loeb #WRC

                  Originally posted by ds3adi View Post
                  Yep Lisa was after suggestions for records for the weekend and liked my suggestion of Plastic Bertrand and will hopefully play it for the club if she hasn't already, lol
                  You & the club got a mention at 07:48 this morning before they played "Ca Plane Pour Moi" :cool:
                  Last edited by Arlow; 19-10-2012, 07:05.
                  DS3 Racing, also available in White!!!


                  • #24
                    Yep, luckily got up in time.:cool:


                    • #25
                      Loeb off the road :0(


                      • #26
                        Citroën Racing ‏@CitroenRacing
                        After SS3: 1 Hirvonen - 2 Solberg +15.6 - 3 Ostberg +36.5 - 4 Latvala +44.6 - 5 Novikov +1'15 - 6 Tanak +1'55 - 7 Atko +2'30 - 8 Prokop #WRC

                        Citroën Racing ‏@CitroenRacing
                        Seb #Loeb went off the road. Steering is broken, so he will retire for day 2. @thierryneuville also stopped but he's moving again #WRC
                        DS3 Racing, also available in White!!!


                        • #27
                          Loeb explaining his retirement in SS3
                          DS3 Racing, also available in White!!!


                          • #28
                            Citroën Racing ‏@CitroenRacing
                            After SS5: 1 Hirvonen - 2 Solberg +25.8 - 3 Ostberg +1'05 - 4 Novikov +1'12.9 - 5 Tanak +2'07 - 6 Atko +2'54… #WRC #rallyitalia
                            DS3 Racing, also available in White!!!


                            • #29
                              Citroën Racing ‏@CitroenRacing
                              Seb #Loeb went off the road. Steering is broken, so he will retire for day 2. @thierryneuville also stopped but he's moving again #WRC

                              Citroën Racing ‏@CitroenRacing
                              .@thierryneuville didn't take the start of @Rally_d_Italia SS4, as the engine lost too much oil while the DS3 #WRC was on the side

                              Citroën Racing ‏@CitroenRacing
                              SS4 is running. JM Latvala is reported stopped in the stage… #WRC

                              Citroën Racing ‏@CitroenRacing
                              SS7: broken steering for Solberg, @MikkoWRC is now leading Novikov by 1'00.5 #WRC

                              Is anyone going to make it to the end of this rally
                              DS3 Racing, also available in White!!!


                              • #30
                                Gripping stuff this Arlow:rolleyes:
                                Jog on Noddy

