Just picked up a 2016 DS3 and I’m loving it, the whole car feels alive and is great fun to drive. I’m still figuring out where 3rd gear loses power because it just doesn’t stop heh. I’ve been browsing the forum and a lot of people have been recommending SP Tuning and it turns out he is 20 minutes from me, so I, just wondering what kind of performance gains I can expect? and thoughts on DPF delete?
Just picked up a 2016 DS3 and I’m loving it, the whole car feels alive and is great fun to drive. I’m still figuring out where 3rd gear loses power because it just doesn’t stop heh. I’ve been browsing the forum and a lot of people have been recommending SP Tuning and it turns out he is 20 minutes from me, so I, just wondering what kind of performance gains I can expect? and thoughts on DPF delete?