Well picked it up at last, the verdict, beyond what I had hoped for, simply ticks every single box.
Got it home and got the site stickers on, couple other wee silly stickers for a bit of banter, and new headlight bulbs.
Straight off spoke to a car tuning professional who suggest a remap asap for extra economy as well as power, also planning to get a new air filter / induction kit, a new exhaust system, and a dump valve
Here are the highly anticipated pictures;

Shot of the front end;

Side on - my mate was in the car sporting a yellow t-shirt lmao;
The cheeky back end;
Showing off my leather interior and carbon dash if you can see it;

Can see the dash better here;

My mate put the idea of these club stickers placement in my head (if anyone wants this removed just let me know and I will take the pic down);

Couple of other stickers, hope you "Like This"(Y) ;

Got it home and got the site stickers on, couple other wee silly stickers for a bit of banter, and new headlight bulbs.
Straight off spoke to a car tuning professional who suggest a remap asap for extra economy as well as power, also planning to get a new air filter / induction kit, a new exhaust system, and a dump valve

Here are the highly anticipated pictures;

Shot of the front end;

Side on - my mate was in the car sporting a yellow t-shirt lmao;

The cheeky back end;

Showing off my leather interior and carbon dash if you can see it;

Can see the dash better here;

My mate put the idea of these club stickers placement in my head (if anyone wants this removed just let me know and I will take the pic down);

Couple of other stickers, hope you "Like This"(Y) ;
