e HDI 90 Airdream + arrived yesterday 4 weeks from ordering. Citroen Birmingham who are brilliant kindly allocated me a car they already had on order for themselves.
As you can see I have taken the opportunity to promote my company on the car and add a few stripes. I ordered the club logo which was delivered last week (thanks sag) but I have lost it somewhere in the house (it will turn up)
The modified alloy gators should arrive in the next couple of weeks and I will have a white set fitted and take some pictures.
As you can see I have taken the opportunity to promote my company on the car and add a few stripes. I ordered the club logo which was delivered last week (thanks sag) but I have lost it somewhere in the house (it will turn up)
The modified alloy gators should arrive in the next couple of weeks and I will have a white set fitted and take some pictures.