I had recently noticed that the general performance of my engine had deteriorated, the tick-over was lumpy as well as acceleration being patchy rather than smooth, also the exhaust note has become considerably more 'warbley', it was no longer as much fun to drive. In fact the same symptoms Jamie* from SP Tuning had noted prior to a session with his walnut blaster.
*Jamie is the one on here who's expertise comes via practical application of knowledge and skill, rather than by Google and Tapatalk.
So off I went to Hinckley/Burbage and handed over my turbo roller-skate to Jamie, after a great gym session consisting of squats, wide grip pull-ups, weighted dips and shoulder press I returned to SP Tuning to see how things were going, Jamie had the camera down the back of the engine and this is what we both saw.

Please note that I saw these images in real-time with my own eyes, they are not copied from anybody else's posts or from a product advertisement. I think we all agree they are pretty honking for an engine that has travelled just over 27,000 miles.
I let Jamie crack on with the blasting whilst I went for some scrambled egg on toast, coffee and a blast around the local woods on my mountain bike
Back at SP Tuning I had another real-time look with my own eyes at Jamie's handywork.

So once everything was back together and farewells bid, I embarked on my 150 mile journey home, unfortunately due to inconsiderate people crashing on major junctions and feeder routes it took me nearly four hours but at least it allowed me plenty of time to have a go in my 'new' car.
So what were the noticeable differences, well first off the idle is even with no more warble, even when cold the engine sounds and feels like it did at new, the engine note is constant and far quieter. Next is the power delivery, no more roller coaster dips and troughs when the accelerator is pushed hard, most noticeable in 2nd and 3rd the power delivery is smooth throughout the whole rev range, the turbo comes into play with tremendous urgency, torque steer is back again.
So first a few facts, the valves were in a state, after the walnut blast they were clean, this I saw in real-time with my own eyes. Performance wise the improvement is significantly noticeable, its like driving a completely different car, no placebo effect from the blasting, the car was completely different to drive on the way back than it was on the way there.
Now I know people are talking about using Terraclean as a cheaper alternative, my question is do they allow you to inspect the valves with a camera before and after, if not then how do you know it has worked. Well a difference in performance after would indicate success would it not, maybe, or it may indicate there has been a reduction in the carbon build-up. As Jamie showed me, its relatively easy to get rid of most of the build up, but its very hard to get rid of all of it.
Until somebody has seen what the chemical cleaners can and cant achieve, il stick with recommending SP Tuning.
*Jamie is the one on here who's expertise comes via practical application of knowledge and skill, rather than by Google and Tapatalk.
So off I went to Hinckley/Burbage and handed over my turbo roller-skate to Jamie, after a great gym session consisting of squats, wide grip pull-ups, weighted dips and shoulder press I returned to SP Tuning to see how things were going, Jamie had the camera down the back of the engine and this is what we both saw.

Please note that I saw these images in real-time with my own eyes, they are not copied from anybody else's posts or from a product advertisement. I think we all agree they are pretty honking for an engine that has travelled just over 27,000 miles.
I let Jamie crack on with the blasting whilst I went for some scrambled egg on toast, coffee and a blast around the local woods on my mountain bike
Back at SP Tuning I had another real-time look with my own eyes at Jamie's handywork.

So once everything was back together and farewells bid, I embarked on my 150 mile journey home, unfortunately due to inconsiderate people crashing on major junctions and feeder routes it took me nearly four hours but at least it allowed me plenty of time to have a go in my 'new' car.
So what were the noticeable differences, well first off the idle is even with no more warble, even when cold the engine sounds and feels like it did at new, the engine note is constant and far quieter. Next is the power delivery, no more roller coaster dips and troughs when the accelerator is pushed hard, most noticeable in 2nd and 3rd the power delivery is smooth throughout the whole rev range, the turbo comes into play with tremendous urgency, torque steer is back again.
So first a few facts, the valves were in a state, after the walnut blast they were clean, this I saw in real-time with my own eyes. Performance wise the improvement is significantly noticeable, its like driving a completely different car, no placebo effect from the blasting, the car was completely different to drive on the way back than it was on the way there.
Now I know people are talking about using Terraclean as a cheaper alternative, my question is do they allow you to inspect the valves with a camera before and after, if not then how do you know it has worked. Well a difference in performance after would indicate success would it not, maybe, or it may indicate there has been a reduction in the carbon build-up. As Jamie showed me, its relatively easy to get rid of most of the build up, but its very hard to get rid of all of it.
Until somebody has seen what the chemical cleaners can and cant achieve, il stick with recommending SP Tuning.