My DS3 developed a leak last November, as a result of which the carpet under and behind the driver's seat became sodden. I first noticed this when I discovered that the water has soaked into my briefcase which I used to put behind the drivers sear, my notebook was sopping wet.
I discussed this with my Citroen dealer in April (the next service date), the underlying issue being that the car had just passed 3 years anniversary in August last year, so the car is out of warranty. The dealer said that diagnosing the issue would cost over £350 and would take 3 days. I then procrastinated (lived in hope that the problem might cure itself) - as you know we have had a nice hot summer so it was not much of a problem as it is not a big leak, I would guess about three or four tablespoons full each time it rains (but accumulates in winter as no evaporation). I did my best to come to understand under what circumstances the car leaked, and have come to the conclusion that it is a rainwater leak that occurs even when the car is not being driven, but I haven't been able to identify where the water is coming from. I have used the internet to research in general what causes leaks in cars, it turns out to be quite a complex subject, as the leak may not be that close to the puddle, water gravitates down to the lowest point. I recommend the Youtube video of 'The car guy' on the subject. I have already read and absorbed this post from the ds3 club but I don't think it's relevent as the water is not going into the boot.
The leak is not massive, but lack of evaporation in winter means that the water gradually pools and spreads in the winter months, so this is not something I can afford to leave for next winter, as it will lead to mildew in the carpet and rust in the footwell.
So the car is now with the dealer, who has taken front seat and carpets out, and is trying to find the source of the leak using hose pipes. So far three days ...
I will let you know how this progresses, my main aim is to let all DS3 community know that this can happen, and to help anyone else once we have worked out why and how this has happened. Any advice appreciated.
I discussed this with my Citroen dealer in April (the next service date), the underlying issue being that the car had just passed 3 years anniversary in August last year, so the car is out of warranty. The dealer said that diagnosing the issue would cost over £350 and would take 3 days. I then procrastinated (lived in hope that the problem might cure itself) - as you know we have had a nice hot summer so it was not much of a problem as it is not a big leak, I would guess about three or four tablespoons full each time it rains (but accumulates in winter as no evaporation). I did my best to come to understand under what circumstances the car leaked, and have come to the conclusion that it is a rainwater leak that occurs even when the car is not being driven, but I haven't been able to identify where the water is coming from. I have used the internet to research in general what causes leaks in cars, it turns out to be quite a complex subject, as the leak may not be that close to the puddle, water gravitates down to the lowest point. I recommend the Youtube video of 'The car guy' on the subject. I have already read and absorbed this post from the ds3 club but I don't think it's relevent as the water is not going into the boot.
The leak is not massive, but lack of evaporation in winter means that the water gradually pools and spreads in the winter months, so this is not something I can afford to leave for next winter, as it will lead to mildew in the carpet and rust in the footwell.
So the car is now with the dealer, who has taken front seat and carpets out, and is trying to find the source of the leak using hose pipes. So far three days ...
I will let you know how this progresses, my main aim is to let all DS3 community know that this can happen, and to help anyone else once we have worked out why and how this has happened. Any advice appreciated.