Yesterday my drivers side window jammed down and after looking at forums managed to get it back up by moving up bit by bit , making it re-learn apparently but since then my drivers headlight has went out not sure if it would be fuse rather than bulb as seems a bit suspicious it all happening in one day. Not sure what fuses it would be if any or how hard to change bulb
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right hand side headlight
I am not going to say it. Just not going to. Don't make me. No don't. Oh OK, look in your handbook to find right hand dip beam fuse is F18 and main is F15 in the engine fuse box. For changing the bulb look in the index under lighting bulbs (replacement). It's easy to change.Originally posted by cyclone
It is in the handbook. Satisfied.
Originally posted by Broda
I would rather teabag a bear trap