So basically - just took this to the local garage. They had it tracked in twice, the first time - it basically went back in it's original position. So had to track it again, they're saying the rear doesn't straighten or something. I kerbed my car and bent the passenger side front suspension arm when it had around 300-400 miles on the clock (it was replaced). It's now got 18k on.
Can someone shed light on this? I've attached the two before and after diagrams. So basically, my steering wheel is slightly off centre so to drive straight, you have to hold the wheel maybe 2-3cm to the right. Never been flagged up with Citroen when I've took it in with other issues.
Align attempt 2
Can someone shed light on this? I've attached the two before and after diagrams. So basically, my steering wheel is slightly off centre so to drive straight, you have to hold the wheel maybe 2-3cm to the right. Never been flagged up with Citroen when I've took it in with other issues.
Align attempt 2