A few months ago, my DS3 juddered and then the engine fault light came on when accelerating when cold.
After the recovery van came, they check the code, P1340 came up. I googled it and it said engine misfire. When I restarted the car, everything worked fine and we reset the code and carried on like normal.
It has just happened again today, has this happened to anyone else?
It seems to only be when its cold. The car still drives fine after a restart. I am away on work and cant get back to my Citroen dealer. Any advice?
A few months ago, my DS3 juddered and then the engine fault light came on when accelerating when cold.
After the recovery van came, they check the code, P1340 came up. I googled it and it said engine misfire. When I restarted the car, everything worked fine and we reset the code and carried on like normal.
It has just happened again today, has this happened to anyone else?
It seems to only be when its cold. The car still drives fine after a restart. I am away on work and cant get back to my Citroen dealer. Any advice?